ChoralSong aims to build a dedicated team of musicians to present highly expressive and engaging choral performances.
Next Concert: May 4
Upcoming Auditions: June 10, 17, 24
We are people of the Pikes Peak Region dedicated to presenting highly expressive and engaging choral performances with a high degree of excellence in a manner that enriches the cultural life of a broad spectrum of our community.
We are a new 24-28 voice Chamber Choir whose vision is to….
ChoralSong aims to build a dedicated team of musicians to present highly expressive and engaging choral performances.
We will present a wide variety of styles of music with artistic integrity–from Renaissance to Romantic, from Spirituals to Jazz.
ChoralSong strives to design concerts that attract a broad range of music lovers from all walks of life.
Our purpose is to vibrantly enrich community life here in the Pikes Peak Region.
An accomplished and award-winning conductor and music director, Daniel Price has led a wide variety of choral and instrumental groups all over the world. He began by earning a Bachelor’s degree in Music Education from Cedarville University. After singing for one season with the Santa Fe Desert Chorale, he led vocal and instrumental programs at the High School, Community, and Collegiate levels for 6 years. Upon receiving Master’s and Doctoral degrees in choral conducting from the College-Conservatory of Music in Cincinnati, Daniel was selected to be the conductor of The United States Air Force Singing Sergeants, a 24-voice professional choir based in Washington, D.C.
I love inspiring musicians to create unified and passionate artistic expressions in a way that captures the human imagination. I look for musical works in a variety of styles that elicit a unique and sympathetic response from the human spirit, and then use them to build concerts that are welcoming—that are designed to draw both new and experienced audience members into our performances.
—Daniel Price
Help us get started! Get in at the ground level and help us fill each chair–Be one of our Early Sponsors!