The Tiemens Foundation Offers a Challenge!

The Tiemens Foundation Offers a Challenge!

Throughout the month of July, the Tiemens Foundation has pledged to match up to $1,500 in donations, dollar for dollar, for the purpose of helping ChoralSong of Colorado Springs waive singers’ fees for the inaugural 2023/24 Concert Season.

As the Pikes Peak Region’s newest performing arts organization, ChoralSong has the goal of one day becoming an organization that pays all its musicians for their work.  This matching gift gets us one step closer to this goal.  This is a wonderful opportunity to show your support for what we believe will quickly become a bright light in the performing arts landscape of southern Colorado.
For those interested in participating in this challenge and helping ChoralSong’s first year be an outstanding one in every respect, please go to the Donation Page of the ChoralSong website to make your pledge.

We invite you all to come and see us in concert this year!  See the Concerts Page on our website for concert descriptions and times.  Tickets for all three concerts of our inaugural season are projected to begin selling later this summer.


Daniel Price